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At the individual and organizational level, SDS Global Enterprises uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the current climate in your organization. Additionally, we use a number of tools and assessments to determine the effectiveness of your current equity, diversity and inclusion efforts and related/enabling HR strategies, and identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. Our process is comprehensive.

We review policies, strategies, and practices through our Document Audit. We also conduct one on one interviews with key leaders and we solicit the voice of the employee to understand how they experience the company culture and how they perceive the effectiveness of leadership. This is done by administering an Engagement/Inclusion Survey as well as conducting focus groups with staff at all levels. Finally, we assess the level of cultural competence and sensitivity among your selected leaders using a valid and reliable tool. This baseline data provides us a framework in which to offer a detailed report of our findings, recommendations, next steps in order to achieve a sustained culture transformation.

Our team is also certified to administer a variety of assessments, including the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Assessment, D.I.S.C., StrengthsFinder, Myers-Briggs, EQ Assessments, and the Hogan Leadership Assessments.

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